Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Book Recommendation Websites

The other day, I was looking around for book reviews, when I stumbled across this web article, about good websites for finding a book you might like. To see this website click here.

This article was written by Tamar Zmora to help those people who don't necessarily get a lot of useful book recommendations. Her writing style was humorous and easy to read. The sites that are suggested are really great. I especially think that Whichbook is a great website, and is very user-friendly. Then you can search for books by their tones and content. Zmora adds good information. For example, I was not aware that at Whichbook, if you click the buy button, you are sent to Amazon, or if you click borrow, you go to a library web page.

Goodreads is really great. You get the benefit of other people's comments, and if you want to rate a book you read, you can do that, too. The fantastic thing is that the books on Good eads are already ranked for you, and you can search in certain categories

Also, remember that in book stores, there are the staff's picks for books. Although many seem to just pass over that little section, it is a valuable resource for the book hunt. They do actually know what they're talking about.

I always just check the library. You never know what you may find there.

The information that I got from this article was really useful, and I plan on using it in my future book searches. I hope it will be useful for many others.

You've even developed a crush on a bookstore employee based solely on their staff picks.

The picture window in your wallet displays your library card instead of your driver's license.

Harman, Dianne. "25 Signs You're Addicted to Books." Photograph. Webshots. n.d. Web. 4 February 2014.